
Title IX Protections for Pregnant Students: A Guide to Your Rights at Rice University

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and includes making it illegal for universities to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, or other related conditions. This includes recovery and bonding with the child; and is also available to students whose partners have recently given birth.

Some of your rights include:

Excused absences for medical appointments and accommodations to make attending classes easier

Protections inside and outside of the classroom, including any school-sponsored activities, athletics, scholarships, and financial aid

The ability to leave to pump for breast milk

If you would like more information about your rights as a student, please reach out to a SAFE Resource Navigator by calling 713-348-3311 or emailing

Intimate Partner Violence and Pregnancy
According to the National Institutes of Health, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) affects the lives of approximately 300,000 women who are experiencing a pregnancy. Forms of abuse can include not allowing the person to go to doctor visits (known as medical abuse), emotional, psychological, sexual, physical, and financial (such as withholding monies needed for baby supplies).

If you are experiencing intimate partner violence during your pregnancy, there is assistance available at Rice, which can include finding safe housing, assisting with protective orders, assistance filing a police report, and academic accommodations. Students who wish to consult with a SAFE Resource Navigator, may do so by calling 713-348-3311 or emailing

Your autonomy and safety are our priorities.

Pregnancy as a Result of a Sexual Assault
If you were sexually assaulted and have learned that you have become pregnant as a result, there is assistance available to you both through Navigation Support and the medical health professionals at Student Health Services, who can meet with you to discuss your medical needs and help you build a treatment plan. To schedule an appointment:

SAFE Resource Navigator:  713-348-3311 or email:

Student Health Services: 713-348-4966