Support Resources on Campus

Students should be aware when seeking support on campus that most employees are required by Title IX to disclose all incidents of non-consensual interpersonal behaviors to professionals on campus. The therapists at the Rice Counseling Center and the doctors at Student Health Services are confidential, meaning that Rice will not be informed about the incident if a student discloses to one of these Rice staff members; all other Rice staff and faculty are required to inform the university's Title IX personnel. Rice prioritizes student privacy and safety, and only shares disclosed information on a need-to-know basis.

Confidential support is available on campus so that you can discuss your situation with a supportive person without anyone else knowing. Information you disclose to one of these on-campus services in the course of your counseling or medical appointment will not be shared with anyone else, unless you are a danger to yourself or others.

Rice Counseling Center
x. 3311/ (713) 348-3311 (24/7)

Student Health Services
x. 4966/ (713) 348-4966

Navigation Support

The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Title IX Support is available to talk with students to address their needs and concerns, and to help them understand the adjudication and investigation processes both on and off campus.

The SAFE Office: Interpersonal Misconduct Prevention and Support
x. 3311/ (713) 348-3311 (24/7)